





YCT and HSK Exams Commence at the Confucius Institute at San Francisco State University on March 14th
[来 源]  Division of Human Resources Development of the CIH                [发表时间]  2010-03-18 00:00:00.0

Fremont, March 14th—the YCT (Youth Chinese Test) Level 1 to 4 and HSK (Chinese Proficiency Test) level 2 to 6 were launched at Washington High School in Fremont by the Confucius Institute at San Francisco State University, HSK exam site at San Francisco State University as well as the Yangtze River culture and education center. Student examinees hailed from primary and secondary schools within the East Bay area of San Francisco, most of the students learning Chinese language and culture at the Yellow River Chinese School and the Yangtze River Chinese School. 200 examinees took the exam, 148 of which took the YCT whilst 52 took the HSK.
In order to guarantee that the exams are launched on time, the Confucius Institute made careful preparations: coordinating between the YCT and HSK site and the schools, conducting exam promotions and holding systematic pre-exam training programs for supervisors. The exams received strong support from local teachers, students and parents; many students asked to take the exams in order to gauge their Chinese learning achievements. Teachers and parents were also of great help to the exam process,, working towards monitoring teaching outcomes and constantly improving teaching measures.

The YCT is a nationwide exam launched by Hanban to satisfy the demands U-15 Chinese learners’. The exam was initiated by Hanban and examination questions are designed by the most authoritative of Chinese language educators. The YCT adopts global marking criteria and YCT qualifications are recognized worldwide. The Confucius Institute at San Francisco State University is planning to attract more students for the next YCT which will be hold in Nov. this year involving more primary and secondary schools. You are welcome to read an introduction on YCT material (click here to read). www.sfsu.edu/~ci / www.hanban.edu.cn

Being distinct from ordinary internal exams held by schools, the YCT exam aims to test students’ Chinese ability in daily life and social occasions. Students obtain certification upon passing each exam level, and students of excellence will have opportunities to study and travel (including the Chinese Summer Camp and Cultural Winter Camp etc.) in China. The continuous examination promotion system matches students strong will for learning; encouraging students’ self-motivated learning and increasing students’ confidence and sense of honor. YCT has a specific result report list for students to review their own results, make progress and direct their learning process. Youth students can challenge themselves through taking YCT and set up higher aims and build solid foundations for taking SAT II and AP Chinese tests in the their future educational timeline.
As for students, YCT certificates not only precisely assess their Chinese social communication ability, but also serve as proof for their school transfer procedures and overseas study experiences as well as evidence in support of application for scholarships. For schools YCT results may serve as fundamental data for teaching assessment and a measure for testing teaching quality. With the promotion and popularization of YCT as a unique national authoritative Chinese test, along with its scientific, meticulous grounding, the YCT will be a yardstick for Chinese education amongst primary and secondary schools around the world, and will also serve as a significant Chinese teaching quality assessment tool.